Yasmina and I bought some lilies to decorate the new apartment and to make the place feel more like home.
Of the different bulbs that compose the plant only two were partially opened displaying a beautiful bright pink color.

We couldn’t understand why it took so long for the flowers to bloom and unfortunately both of us are not the best people to grow and sometimes care for flowers in general.
Nature is however a great teacher and I humbly learn and respect the majesty of its gentle force. What I learned from this beautiful and gentle flower is that to mature and bloom you need to have patience and give time to the process.
In this modern world of fast paced rhythms and instant gratification thanks to super fast wifi and data we get things done really quickly and get annoyed if we have to wait one second more.
Nature reminds us that there are cycles and there is a time to rest and a time to give fruit. The fast rhythms that we live in, especially in cities, are not natural and not humanly sustainable anymore.
Because of the current worldwide lockdown I personally realized that maybe this is the best time to reflect on our lives and where we are going.
Everything has slowed down: workload is less (for some of us). We spend more time at home and if we are lucky to share the space with someone we care about you realize how meaningful deep and loving connections are. If some of you like Yasmina and I live far from their families and home country, you will start appreciating the importance of those. Now that we can’t go out and meet with our friends we really realize how those people are meaningful in our lives and how they make our lives fuller. I thank God for technology for permitting us to stay connected with the people we care about and also for connecting us with new people through social media and even this blog per se 😉
We are more connected than ever with technology and I am really thankful for that, and is great to see how people of deferent countries, faiths etc can connect so easily because of this shared worldwide experience.
I am a realistic person, however I am positive there would be a bright future… we are going through a massive change and that is neither positive nor negative, it only depends on how people view things.
I am aware of the connotation that this situation has for the economy, business and for the working people in general, but we are not here to talk about this.

The lesson I got from my gorgeous plant is that all is a phase in life and everything passes.
We need to have patience for things to bloom and that it takes time for things to develop.
We might plant the seed of a project and we can take care of it and water it but we don”t see the results. We need Faith that beneath the ground where we don”t see there is an entire ecosystem that is working to help the plant.
It is important to check its growth and remove the weeds etc but most of the work is silent and invisible to the eye. We need to have patience and live in the moment.
I am looking at my half bloomed lilies and I really wanted to proudly and lovingly share with you my thoughts and the lesson that they taught me.
Is there a life lesson you have also learned about this lockdown?
Are you also grateful for some small things?